Denver Decided: NO on 300

A majority of Denver voters have agreed. Initiative 300 was not the right path forward for our city.

This campaign has reminded us that Denver is a compassionate community that cares deeply about both its people and its public places.  There is more we can and should be doing as a community to ensure Denver is a safe, welcoming and supportive place for everyone. 

Homelessness and housing are complex issues that demand thoughtful solutions. We need both short-term action and long-term commitment. We are encouraged by the broad and diverse group of community leaders who engaged in the campaign. We hope that those people - faith leaders, neighborhood organizations, park advocates, service providers, business groups and everyday residents, housed and unhoused - will work together moving forward to advance practical approaches to supporting people experiencing homelessness today, and address the underlying drivers of homelessness in Denver. Thank you for all of your support.

~ The Together Denver Team

Vote NO on 300

Inhumane. Risky. Unworthy of our city.

Why NO on 300?

All people have a right to live in Denver. But that doesn’t mean we should allow our parks and sidewalks to become campgrounds. Initiative 300, on Denver's May 2019 ballot, does not help people experiencing homelessness. Denver should provide more housing, shelters, job training and opportunities to get off the street. We can do better, Denver. Vote NO on 300.

Initiative 300 Will Be on Denver's May 2019 Ballot

  • Allows people to camp in all outdoor public places, like parks and sidewalks, indefinitely.

  • Prohibits Denver from enforcing essential laws that protect public health and safety.

  • Fails to support people experiencing homelessness – doesn’t provide any new funding for services like shelters, counseling or job training – or address the causes of homelessness.

Get Involved

More should be done to ensure Denver is a safe, supportive place for everyone. Initiative 300 is not the answer.

We Can Do Better, Denver.

 Doing better by our neighbors experiencing homelessness. 

We love Denver, and want our city to be a safe and supportive place for everyone. Allowing people to sleep outside in public places is not safe, healthy or helpful for the people experiencing homelessness or our community. Denver should be a community where all people can thrive, not just survive. However, Denver’s rising housing costs are creating a real crisis. The City and community partners are taking meaningful steps to create more affordable housing and provide effective outreach and support services to people experiencing homelessness. Initiative 300 doesn’t help any efforts to support people experiencing homelessness.

In the News

Unprecedented. Risky. Inhumane.

Initiative 300 is a poorly written, overly-broad measure that will have sweeping consequences and lead to expensive litigation.


If it passes, Denver would be the first city in the country to enact a law that allows people the right to rest and shelter on city sidewalks and public areas.

This is not just a downtown problem.

All of Denver would be impacted.

Parks and Trails

Residential Areas

Cultural & Sports Facilities

Open Spaces and Rivers

Neighborhood Business Districts


What is Denver doing to

support people experiencing homelessness?

In addition to city investments, there are many non-profit organizations that spend private and philanthropic resources to support and serve people experiencing homelessness. This is all important and impactful work, but the need exceeds our current resources and investment.

More could and should be done to ensure Denver is a safe, supportive place for everyone. Initiative 300 does nothing to provide meaningful support for people experiencing homelessness.

Supportive Housing

Denver is currently providing 250 units of housing and intensive case management services for chronically homeless individuals, with plans and funding to expand to an additional 100 units this year.

Denver Street Outreach Collaborative

The City funds 18 street outreach workers, along with 2 behavioral health navigators and 2 overnight search and rescue caseworkers, to connect those experiencing homelessness and direct them to resources. An average of 713 unique individuals per month are referred to services.

Dedicated Fund for Affordable Housing

The fund is estimated to raise at least $150 million over the next 10 years to create or preserve 6,000 affordable homes with 40 to 50 percent of housing resource investments targeted to those experiencing homelessness and those earning below 30 percent of Area Median Income (AMI).

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Vote NO on 300

Paid for by Together Denver

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